Post 3: Let's talk about the pandemic


Hello again, as we all know the fight against the pandemic by Coronavirus is not yet over, in fact we are at a time when you do not have to lower your arms and take care of yourself equally or more than before, this situation has brought various problems, for example, unemployment, low wage income, online classes and high signs of bad mental health (this for confinement) among others.

Due to quarantine life in society has changed a lot among these changes is; suspend face-to-face classes of both elementary, secondary and university students, workers carry out their work from home (telework) and adapt to an isolated life, since people cannot meet with friends, family, etc.

Life in pandemic according to my perspective is very boring, I am clearly aware that we must take care of ourselves and that it is a critical situation, but I have reached a point where they seem to me every day equal, I can not see my friends, I do not know my university or my colleagues, I need to breathe fresh air, take the subway,in a nutty words I miss the little things that seemed everyday to us, such as being able to walk in the park without a mask, being able to hug a friend, in short I believe that from this experience I have learned to value everything that seems insignificant to us.


  1. I understand what are you feeling... we all miss those moments that before the pandemic were insignificant and now are everything. I hope you´re handle it well <3

  2. Good. In the first sentence you have to say Coronavirus Pandemic. Second paragraph: changes are....face-to-face clases for elementary...students. In the last paragraph, I don't know my university or my things that we do on a daily basis...or we do everyday


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